7 Simple Tips to Help Your Bottles Separate

craftmdIn honor of Earth Day, coming up this Monday, we are bringing you our best advice for using one of the most popular upcycling tools out there, the Generation Green (g2) Bottle Cutter!

There’s not a parent or a pet owner out there that does not understand the term “separation anxiety!”  Well, in my Upcycling quest, I have come across a group of people who have put new meaning to this term – those afraid to score and separate bottles.

Well, fret no more Dr. Lauren (I’m not really a doctor, I just play one in this blog) is in the house. To get over your “bottle separation anxiety” here’s what you must do:

  1. Practice good bottle hygiene. Make sure that you remove the entire label from the bottle you want to cut. Even the smallest amount of sticky residue will interfere with the scoring process. We recommend using rubbing alcohol to get most labels off, but if you have a really stubborn label try nail polish remover with acetone.
  2. Always keep your cutting wheel oiled – this is a big one. The better you oil the wheel, the smoother your cut will be – a lot of theDADBOTTLE-WEB separation issues I hear about are quickly resolved when the wheel is oiled – bonus – the more you oil the wheel the longer the blade will last!
  3. Remove stress. Remember a good cut doesn’t require a lot of pressure. Most people think that the bottle will separate much better with a deep cut, but that is the opposite of what will happen. When you score deeply, the glass will splinter and run up and down the line you actually want. A light score is best when trying to separate a bottle – bonus – the less force you exert on the cutter the longer the tool will last – a lot of crafters break their tools because they are simply using too much force.
  4. Not all bottles are created equally! Keep this in mind when you are cutting. Some bottles, especially recycled ones, have an uneven wall thickness which can really ruin the separation process.
  5. Textured bottles are really cool, but you just have to avoid them. They are really impossible to score and the uneven surface makes for a difficult separation.
  6. When you are first starting out, practice on beer bottles. They are easy to cut and easier to come by.
  7. I use and recommend the hot and cold water shock method to separate our bottles for a good reason- it’s the safest and most efficient way to separate the bottles. Please use this method before any other to get the best separation.

Bottle Art KitsI prescribe a healthy dose of practice, practice, practice as often as you can. This should alleviate any further “bottle separation anxiety” symptoms!

P.S. I don’t make house calls!

Are you in need of a g2 Bottle Cutter, find one at any of these fabulous retailers or win one along with our four fabulous Bottle Art Kits by entering our Earth Day Contest, check out this post for all of the details!

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